M&A Valuations

With professional decision-making support, we provide our clients comprehensive understanding of the deal’s consequences, risks and opportunities. We believe that deep understanding will provide the tools for establishing the correct M&A strategy and an effective process.

Once a merge or an acquisition has occurred, the critical stage is still ahead. Successful transactions are those who manage the change and produce a new effective united entity. By accompanying this process, we improve the ability to utilize the synergies planned in prior stages and exploit the most value out of the change.

Once a company is identified as appropriate for an acquisition, we inspect the potential investment by financial and commercial terms. The due diligence process assists companies in the negotiation process and prevents entering harmful acquisitions.

We look at the market structure, the need for an acquisition, potential synergies and risks involved in the acquisition. The complete understanding of the company’s situation we provide, assists companies at decisions of entering an acquisition, merger or joint ventures. We invite you to reach out and receive additional information from our CEO & Founder, Gidi Shalom Bendor.

Gidi photo
Gidi Shalom Bendor, MBA
CEO & Founder